Lion of Judah is one of the first Christian reggae band known in Puerto Rico and Latin America, so have achieved an outstanding track record of success throughout the Christian atmosphere of the island.The style of the Lion of Judah is reggae group. Reggae Lion of Judah, which may well be considered the type "root", has been compared to the music of groups like Prophetic Culture reggae and some have even established that Lion of Judah is the Christian counterpart of this known group
Lion of Judah is composed of 11 members, mostly students from the Conservatory of Music and the Music Department of the Inter American University of Puerto Rico.
The woodwind section and chorus consists Shekinah Rodriguez - sax and vocals, Luis Diaz Abdiel - Joelibek trumpeter and Lebron in the chorus. In the area of percussion set Luigui Sánchez - Drummer and Carlos Hernandez - minor percussion. Also featured on the band Celpa Elias - bass, Jose Rodriguez - organ, Daniel Ramirez - keyboard and Jorge Salgado - guitar. All these young people are led by Jaime H. Barcelo, lead singer and founder of the band.
With a track record, one of the Christian bands that revolutionized the genre for more than half a decade, taking first place in the schedules of the secular and Christian radio. After a break and new ideas back Leon de Juda.
Band Interests
Revolutionize music as we did in a time and change the path to a new direction with new ideas. Power conquering our fans for a while thought would not return, now with more desire than ever again.
stringed instruments
Stringed instruments or string instruments are musical instruments that produce sounds through the vibration of one or more strings, usually amplified through a sound box. These strings are stretched between two points on the instrument are sounded by pressing, rubbing or percutiendo rope.
Division of stringed instruments
Bowed string instruments or arc :
generally with the arch made of wood, which is the finger grip, and a set of bristles horsehair tensioned because the two ends of the arch are held and with which the strings are rubbed, although there is also a technique of "pinching "the string, called pizzicato
hey belong to the group bowed string instruments or arc that their sound is obtained through an arc
Plucked string instruments:
is an instrument that involved both the status of bowed string instrument as of a plucked string instrument, as in the rockabilly and jazz often be used generally in this latter form. Its sound is produced by vibration of the strings to be rubbed with a bow, but can also occur by pressing them with the fingertips, the way the electric bass or tololoche, a technique called pizzicato or pinch